(2° altare di destra)
Pala di Luca Giordano del 1667. Inviata da Napoli a Venezia per essere esaminata, fu accolta con entusiasmo e pagata 200 piastre. Nei pennacchi dell’altare: due Angeli del Ruer, morbidissimi e vivaci.
Sul gradino della mensa: San Girolamo Miani di Gianmaria Morleiter (+1782), eseguito nel 1767. E’ l’unica statua di Santo posta sugli altari della basilica, ammessa soltanto perché si trattava del Fondatore dei Somaschi, ai quali era stata affidata dalla Repubblica la custodia della chiesa.
Sulle basi dei pilastri: le quattro figure allegoriche Misericordia clemente, Giustizia, Speranza teologale, Salute.
Ai lati della cappella: Elia nutrito dal corvo ed Elia confortato dall’angelo, tele di Gregorio Lazzarini (+1730), qui recate da San Martino di Murano in età post-napoleonica.
( 2nd altar on the right)
Altarpiece by Luca Giordano dating to 1667. Sent from Naples to Venice to be evaluated, it was accepted with enthusiasm and 200 piastre were sent as payment. In the altar pendentives: two plump and lively Angels by Ruer.
On the step of the mensa: Saint Jerome Emiliani by Gianmaria Morleiter (dead in 1782), completed in 1767. The only statue of a saint positioned on the altars of the basilica, it is here solely because it depicts the founder of the Somascan Fathers, to whom the care of the church was entrusted by the Republic.
On the bases of the pillars: four allegorical figures of forgiving Charity, Justice, theological Hope and Health.
On either side of the chapel: Elijah being fed by a deer and Elijah confronted by an angel, canvases by Gregorio Lazzarini (dead in 1730) brought here from the Church of Saint Martin in Murano in the post-Napoleonic period.